Tuesday, October 13, 2015

Extreme Life

What is it about extreme sports? Why they are so addictive? I think that is by the adrenaline. when I was younger like 15 or 18 years old, I used to try all types of extreme sports I can, I practiced Skateboarding, rollerblading and BMX, I wasn't good but i tried, it's nice when you try to do a new trick and you get it that's a good sensation, but it can be very painful, you can fall and hit a lot of, but if you want it you always get up and you keep trying until reach, you have to be careful. other good experience was at the university, I took a rappelling classes, we were taught to do the knots and harnesses and we descended from the fifth floor of a building, the first time when i got the floor my legs were shaking after that i do it again and was better. I think that i am a extreme sports person, of course always taking precautions. I'm hoping that winter arrives and be able to do Snowboarding.


  1. Hello Luis! I'm surprised to hear that you tried many extreme sports! It's soooo wonderful!!

  2. Hi Luis!! I have a very bad experience with harnesses climbing trees... Not to explain it here..

  3. Hi!!!!!
    You did good challenge, but take care of yourself.

  4. I've seen people rappel off Calgary Tower. I think it was a military exercise. I imagine that would be pretty scary!

    What is it about extreme sports? Why they are so addictive?

    (Also, be careful about punctuation. Try to use more periods to break up your ideas.)
