Monday, October 26, 2015

New life

   Since I'm in Calgary I always watch the news to know about if Calgary is a safe place or not, but I haven't found anything and that's good. I came from a country that is now passing through a difficult moment; there are too many problems about insecurity. In Venezuela each seven of ten citizen are victims of insecurity like: robberies, assaults, kidnappings, and murders; the last five to ten  years, I was victim of armed robbery twice, Some friends and acquaintances have been victims of kidnappings and robberies, even a friend was killed a few years ago, by a man who wanted to stole his car; that's one of the reasons that push me to came here looking for a New and safe life.


  1. In Calgary you feel like a baby in a nursery...

  2. Don't worry, you're look like criminal. You'll be fine

  3. oh really? I didn't know that. Can I ask why Venezuela passing for a difficult moment?

    1. it's a little bit difficult to explain, there are a lot of problem, too much poor people and they need money to life and that's the easier way to get money.

  4. I heard that 70% of women said "I can't walk alone at night" in Venezuela, is it true?
    Very dangerous to your hometown..

    1. that's really true, eave I can't walk alone at night.

  5. It's really unfortunate. I've heard stories from other students that they can't walk down the street holding a cell phone, or someone might steal it. I hope the situation can improve there.

    I came from a country that is now passing through a difficult moment; there are too many problems about insecurity.

    Some friends and acquaintances have been victims of kidnappings and robberies, even...
